Saturday, March 26, 2016

Leland-Mt.Misery Road In Brunswick North Carolina

Brunswick North Carolina
Leland-Mt. Misery Road..
It is said to be haunted...

Mt. Misery Road is right beside Cape Fear River and used to lead all the way to Fayetteville. Back in the time when people owned slave's. The slave ship's would dock at the river and march the slave's up Mt. Misery 90 mile's to Fayetteville, many died of heat exhaustion. It is said now late at night you can hear the sound of chain's and moans as the slave's marched...

If you've ever experienced anything please post it thanks...

Near GrandFather Mountain And Blue Ridge Park Way In Brown Mountain North Carolina

The Brown Mountain Light's..

Brown Mountain-Near GrandFather Mountain And Blue Ridge Park Way...

(Grandfather Mountain)

The brown mountain light's appear along the ridge of the mountain, moving erratically. They are best seen from a distance; they disappear as you climb the mountain. No one knows what they are, but the sightings have gone on for so long that the Cherokee's who inhabited the area have stories about them...

(Blue Ridge Park Way)

At two different place's on the blue ridge parkway you can see the brown mountain light's. There are two stories to this one. 1.) It's said that there was a war between two different Native American Tribe's. At night when it was safe the women would go out and look for there husband's with big bright torches but they were killed to so now they keep looking forever. 2.) It was the winter and a little girl gone missing  her father looked and looked for her she died and he died and to this day he continues the search. Brown Mountain has no home's or road's built on it you can't even go on the mountain so that make's it a truly haunted place scientist's have tried to figure out what's going on for hundreds of year's and many people have seen these light's year after year...

If you've seen them post your story here thanks...

Tiwanna Fatz Restaurant In Boone North Carolina

Boone North Carolina-Tiwanna Fatz Restaurant..

Tiwanna Fatz restaurant was active with people for some time before it partially burnt down, there was a little girl who died in the fire. The part of the restaurant was rebuilt. Rumor has it that if you stay in the area that burnt down you will sometimes occasionally hear the little girl's voice crying out and with blood curling screams...

If you had any issues or experiences please post them thanks...

Perkinsville Dr. In Boone North Carolina

Boone North Carolina-Perkinsville Dr.

When turning at the Hardies intersection in Boone near Lowes Food's, Go to the second road on the right, just past the gas station. The road is Perkinsville Drive, follow the road to the last house on the left, you have to look hard. The house is hidden by tree's and over growth. This house is so haunted, you're guaranteed to experience something every time you go, day or night. Supposedly a man died due to un-natural cause's and haunts that house. Mostly footsteps are heard, a strong feeling of non-welcome, and an angry banging on the up stairs floor. In December 2003 The house has burnt down..

If you had experienced any issues there please post them and I would like to know..

Appalachian State University-East Hall In Boone North Carolina

Boone North Carolina-Appalachian State University-East Hall..

East Hall is one of the dormitories for the college and said to be haunted. Student assistant's have reported being followed by unknown footsteps when their round's after midnight. People have claimed that the light's will suddenly turn off in halls and you can feel someone brush against you. You can also hear whispering voices in the hallway. The third floor new bath is haunted by a male ghost, though it is a girl's bathroom. Also assorted resident's have reported seeing a girl dressed in white in their rooms and other's have had small item's in the room rearranged daily....

Have you had any experiences if so share them I would like to hear them..

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Green Park Inn Hotel In Blowing Rock North Carolina

Blowing Rock North Carolina-The Green Park Inn Hotel..

A room on the 3rd floor of the Hotel is reposted to be haunted by a woman who died there year's ago. She has also been reported seen walking on the 3rd floor. I have walked on the 3rd floor and just get shivers up my back. You can feel something in the air there...

If you've had any experiences please share them thanks...

Tryon Elementary School In Bessemmer City North Carolina

Tryon Elementary School-Bessmmer City North Carolina..

Sight's of boy's reflections in the 4th and 5th Grade bathroom mirror beside one of the girls. Blond hair blue eye's and red and blue raggedy shirt and tan capri's..

If you've had any experiences here please share them thanks...