Saturday, March 26, 2016

Leland-Mt.Misery Road In Brunswick North Carolina

Brunswick North Carolina
Leland-Mt. Misery Road..
It is said to be haunted...

Mt. Misery Road is right beside Cape Fear River and used to lead all the way to Fayetteville. Back in the time when people owned slave's. The slave ship's would dock at the river and march the slave's up Mt. Misery 90 mile's to Fayetteville, many died of heat exhaustion. It is said now late at night you can hear the sound of chain's and moans as the slave's marched...

If you've ever experienced anything please post it thanks...

Near GrandFather Mountain And Blue Ridge Park Way In Brown Mountain North Carolina

The Brown Mountain Light's..

Brown Mountain-Near GrandFather Mountain And Blue Ridge Park Way...

(Grandfather Mountain)

The brown mountain light's appear along the ridge of the mountain, moving erratically. They are best seen from a distance; they disappear as you climb the mountain. No one knows what they are, but the sightings have gone on for so long that the Cherokee's who inhabited the area have stories about them...

(Blue Ridge Park Way)

At two different place's on the blue ridge parkway you can see the brown mountain light's. There are two stories to this one. 1.) It's said that there was a war between two different Native American Tribe's. At night when it was safe the women would go out and look for there husband's with big bright torches but they were killed to so now they keep looking forever. 2.) It was the winter and a little girl gone missing  her father looked and looked for her she died and he died and to this day he continues the search. Brown Mountain has no home's or road's built on it you can't even go on the mountain so that make's it a truly haunted place scientist's have tried to figure out what's going on for hundreds of year's and many people have seen these light's year after year...

If you've seen them post your story here thanks...

Tiwanna Fatz Restaurant In Boone North Carolina

Boone North Carolina-Tiwanna Fatz Restaurant..

Tiwanna Fatz restaurant was active with people for some time before it partially burnt down, there was a little girl who died in the fire. The part of the restaurant was rebuilt. Rumor has it that if you stay in the area that burnt down you will sometimes occasionally hear the little girl's voice crying out and with blood curling screams...

If you had any issues or experiences please post them thanks...

Perkinsville Dr. In Boone North Carolina

Boone North Carolina-Perkinsville Dr.

When turning at the Hardies intersection in Boone near Lowes Food's, Go to the second road on the right, just past the gas station. The road is Perkinsville Drive, follow the road to the last house on the left, you have to look hard. The house is hidden by tree's and over growth. This house is so haunted, you're guaranteed to experience something every time you go, day or night. Supposedly a man died due to un-natural cause's and haunts that house. Mostly footsteps are heard, a strong feeling of non-welcome, and an angry banging on the up stairs floor. In December 2003 The house has burnt down..

If you had experienced any issues there please post them and I would like to know..

Appalachian State University-East Hall In Boone North Carolina

Boone North Carolina-Appalachian State University-East Hall..

East Hall is one of the dormitories for the college and said to be haunted. Student assistant's have reported being followed by unknown footsteps when their round's after midnight. People have claimed that the light's will suddenly turn off in halls and you can feel someone brush against you. You can also hear whispering voices in the hallway. The third floor new bath is haunted by a male ghost, though it is a girl's bathroom. Also assorted resident's have reported seeing a girl dressed in white in their rooms and other's have had small item's in the room rearranged daily....

Have you had any experiences if so share them I would like to hear them..

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Green Park Inn Hotel In Blowing Rock North Carolina

Blowing Rock North Carolina-The Green Park Inn Hotel..

A room on the 3rd floor of the Hotel is reposted to be haunted by a woman who died there year's ago. She has also been reported seen walking on the 3rd floor. I have walked on the 3rd floor and just get shivers up my back. You can feel something in the air there...

If you've had any experiences please share them thanks...

Tryon Elementary School In Bessemmer City North Carolina

Tryon Elementary School-Bessmmer City North Carolina..

Sight's of boy's reflections in the 4th and 5th Grade bathroom mirror beside one of the girls. Blond hair blue eye's and red and blue raggedy shirt and tan capri's..

If you've had any experiences here please share them thanks...

Bentonville Battle Ground In Bentonville North Carolina

Bentonville North Carolina-Bentonville Battled Ground..

Gunfire and shouting can be heard on the battleground and around the trenches at night, and there are countless stories of the plantation house being haunted by those who died there-including a little girl who died of tuberculosis and is said to still haunt one of the upstairs room's...

If you've had any experiences please share them thanks...

Kadesh Methods Church In Belwood North Carolina

Belwood North Carolina-Kadesh Methods Church..

For yes people has been hearing a organ play music coming from inside the church when no one is inside...

If you've had any experiences please share them thanks...

Hammock House In Beaufort North Carolina

Beaufort North Carolina-Hammock House..

Ball's of light and blood stains that can't be washed away are observed here...

This is a known land mark and also the old home of a Pirate Blackbeard's House.. And it has 300 hundred year's of history and dates back as far as 1700 and has had 31 owners over time... And people say they've seen Blackbeard walking around the land and also civil war soldiers as well..

If you've had any experiences please share them thanks...

Lee's McRae College-Tate Dorm In Banner Elk North Carolina

Lee's McRae College..

The  Campus..

Banner Elk- Lee's McRae College-Tate Dorm-North Carolina..

Use to be the sight of the old Tate Hospital. Many of the students say that on the floor at night while they are in their room's they can hear ball's bouncing. Also the security guards have reported the light's coming back on by themselves after they have been turned off. Students also say that they have come into their room's to find their clothes thrown everywhere. The ghost is a little girl named Emily who died of an illness while in the hospital. She also haunts the library on campus..

If you have had any experiences please share them thanks...

Atlantic Beach-Fort Macon In North Carolina

Atlantic Beach-Fort Macon-North Carolina

There is said to believe that civil war ghost haunt the top of the fort and watch for the Union soldiers to attack. And there have been accounts on which world war 2 the main gate was colsed on it's own while the guards were keeping watch on the place..

Have as anyone had any experiences there and if so share your stories...

Shiloh Abandoned Forestry Compound In Asheville North Carolina

Abandoned Forestry Compound

Most haunted..

There's a building in the compound which has all the windows boarded up. The downstairs consists of long dark Hall way's with door's alternating on either side. In one downstairs bathroom there is a toilet filled with blood. Upstairs there is a room used by a now dead prostitute. The building is nicknamed the "WhoreHouse" for that reason. Even when the temperature outside is 70 degree's, it barely reaches 40 degree's inside. Strange noises are heard by people who live in the Shiloh neighborhood, and light's have been seen as well. There are other buildings in the compound, and their door's are open and closed at random. There is a length of rope hanging from the rafter's in one of the building's..

If you have had any experiences please share them..

Reed House In Asheville North Carolina

The Reed House In Asheville North Carolina and this one is at sun set and evening time..

This one is during the day..

Asheville North Carolina-Reed House- 

The sound's of people playing pool can be heard.. 

If you've had any personal experiences please share them..

Burns High School In Lawndale North Carolina

Lawndale North Carolina-Burns High School-

The school is known to be haunted by two to three girl's that went to the high school in 1970-1980.

Because two young girl's was killed in the girl's locker room while taking a shower and on or nearing their death's at the school you can walk into the girl's locker room see the blood of these two girl's flowing down the walls in the shower area. Because I know many that's had an experience with this while going to school there and has seen it.  

Then a third girl named Nancy was leaving the high school one day after school and was hit by another car and the impact of the accident caused her death and on the day nearing that awful day of the accident you can be inside the school and hear tires squealing and glass shattering and when you walk out you will not find nothing there and Nancy accident happened in the 1980's and her restless spirit remains there still today this day. And many teachers and janitor's and so has the students have seen these things and also heard screaming and moaning and lots of loud  crying...

If you have experienced and things while being at this school please share  it..

Erwin High School-Potter's Field Asheville North Carolina

Asheville North Carolina-Erwin High School-Potter's Field!!

In the nineteen-seventies when new Clyde Erwin High School was built just outside Asheville, the remnants of what was called the Old Country Home Graveyard was dug up to make room for the new building. Numerous transients and casualties of sickness who buried here were moved across the street and planted below unmarked wooden crosses. It's said that the restless spirit's of those buried here still haunt the school, and many janitor's who have worked the night shift there refuse to recount the thing's they've experienced while inside. Unmarked grave's are said to still lie beneath the potter's field, over looking the school...

If you have had any experiences while visiting the school or working for the school please share your stories and photos because we like to know more...

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Old Battery Park Hotel In Asheville North Carolina

Pictures showing how long this hotel has been around..

Another picture of what it looks like..

Old Battery Park Hotel-Asheville,NC 

It's said that in private apartment building in downtown Asheville which used to be known as the Old Battery park Hotel in the early to mid 1900's, apparitions can be seen very early in the morning. Individuals who worked the morning shift in the pantry refused to go in alone because a man who was murdered there was known to reveal himself in spirit form to employees..

This story takes place in the Battery Park Hotel in downtown Asheville. One night in 1936, it became the site of a horrific murder. 

W.L. Clevenger arose on the morning of July 17 and walked down the hall to room 224, where his 19-year-old niece Helen Clevenger had slept. When she didn't respond to his knock, he assumed she was still asleep, and went inside to wake her. 

The sight which awaited him would haunt him for the rest of his life. Helen had been brutally murdered during the night: her face horrifically slashed and beaten, before a gun shot ended her suffering.

The tragedy rocked the sleepy moutain town and shocked the nation with its viciousness. But Helen's terrible death brought her no peace.

One July night many year's later, a woman checked into a hotel and went up to room #224. After nightfall, a storm began to batter the old building- just as it had the night of Helen's murder. Rain hit the window like something clawing to get inside, and the wind around the high cornices sounded like a far-scream.

Worn out from her travel's, the woman laid down in the bed and drifted off to sleep despite the storm raging outside. But somewhere around one in the morning, she woke abruptly.

Was there someone in the room with her?

"Hello?" She called. No answer came, but as she sat up in bed, she was certain she felt a presence in the room. "Who's there? Answer me!"

At that moment, a huge flash of lightning illuminated the window. Someone stood between the bed and the window. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say something stood there, because as the flash faded, the traveler realized that the indistinct human shape seemed to be made of nothing but a red mist, like blood.

Panicked, she turned on the light by her bed. It flickered with the storm, then strengthened, revealing nothing but an empty room.

So if you have had any experiences please share them I would like to hear them...

Chicken Alley In Asheville North Carolina

The legendary ghost of Dr. Jamie Smith, who lived at this infamous Asheville locale known as "Chicken Alley" over a century ago. For decades, countless sightings of his ghost have been reported. Dr. Smith was killed in a bar-room confrontation in 1902 at the old historic "Broadway's Tavern" The tavern was destroyed by fire the following year. The close vicinity known as Chicken Alley has been viticm to his ghost for over a hundred year's now...

Pictures of Chicken Alley in Asheville North Carolina...

More pictures of Chicken Alley in Asheville North Carolina..

The Biltmore Estate In Asheville North Carolina

Back in 1914, George W. Vanderbilt died from complications from a surgery he had for appendicitis. His wife was extremely upset. So late at night's, in the Library, she would sit in front of the large marble fireplace, and talk with George. Though he was never really there. Her servant's started to think she was losing her mind. To this day late at night you can still hear her voice very softly talking with George. Also, you can feel George's presence in the mansion. Also, you can feel George's presence in the Billiard Room,and the 2nd floor Oak Sitting room. One of the favorite room's in the mansion. During rainy late night's, George would sit and read. Worker's report feeling's of being watched, apparitions, voices, laughing, and screams. A headless orange cat has been seen by numerous of visitors roaming the area between the Gardens and the Bass pond. The Pool Room is also a focal in the dead of night. Insane laughter can be heard coming from the drain at the bottom of the pool. It's said to be haunted by a lady in black. Employees report hearing footsteps on the second floor.. If you must visit or stay make sure you all stay together and please don't go alone...

If you have had any experiences at this place please share them would like to hear  them...

Helens Mt. In Arden

Helens Mt.- On Helens Mt. Supposedly there was a fire and this lady was burned and they buried her there and if you go out at night and call Helen 3 times supposedly a fire a ball will come flying out and do someeto you..

Well sounds that Helen is a soul that is harmful to people so if you have seen her and have encountered her please share your story and thought's...

Old Nursing Home in Aberdeen

It's an abandoned nursing home that is closed off by wood's. There are time you go in and a chair will move from a room out into the hall way. As you walk down the hall being quite, you can hear grunt's and moaning of older people. The building besides it burned which was where they kept the healthy patient's. Everything burnt except the devil signs. If you were to go into the building that still stands to this day you will see needles with dried up blood in them. There is also a sign posted on the wall in front of the desk that say's hair cuts on Tuesday and sometimes it say's on Wednesday. People have said that they seen bedroom slipper's on one of the bed's they ran out and when they went back in they seen blood coming out from under the door. The blood stains still remain. People have tried to go and remodle it but something keeps chasing them off...

If you have any experiences at this most definitely haunted place please share your story and thought's....

The Value Place In Shelby NC Is Haunted

There's been death's at this hotle and a murder on the property and even a stabbing...

This place is haunted and has a hot spot for paranormal activity..

Well if you stay at this location you will notice that the elevator will stop was only the 3rd floor to start off with then now on all floor's and when the door comes open you are expecting someone to be waiting to get on but in fact there's no one there at all.. And if you ask the employees they'll tell you that it's a man named George stopping the elevator and George died at the hotel and they say he is one person haunting the place and even still today...

There's some room's that are very active on seeing ghost and paranormal activity #303, #401, #311, #407..

You will see orb's and Bright Lights also figures of people while you stay there...

Experience in room #303 well you will see orb's and hear knocking sounds and banging and tapping way up in the early hours of the morning and the electronics will cut off and on by themselves...

There was a man who was murdered on the property and he still remains here and seems no one knows he is though... And they do know he once was a guest at the Value Place...

Room #311 well that is a room where there was a death here recently of an older woman that was eating her dinner and then chokes to death on it and if you stay in her old room it will seem that you are being watched and the room is like cold as ice and the TV and microwave will cut off and on by themselves and the people who cleans the room's has stated that when they are in there you feel uncomfortable because the room is so cold like ice and feels she's watching you at all time's and it's really creepy feeling...

Room #401 there's been a man seen in the room while you stay there. And then he seems like he is lost and needing help but if you try talking to him he will simply vanish and he comes in walking back and fourth and like he is pacing the room and he will glance at you before leaving the room for that moment but he will return though...And you will hear tapping on the table's and behind the refrigerator and see orb's and light passing through the room and imagine that at 1:00-2:00 am in the morning when you are tired and half asleep...

There's a small little girl that is at the Value Place and she's seen in the hall ways playing and laughing and now she's being seen out side the place to and laughing and she seems to be around three to four years of age. And she will act like she's very content and happy and there's been people trying to talk to her and see if they can help her but when she's approached she will walk away from you down the hall ways and the poof flash she's vanished... And can you imagine seeing this way up in the ealry hours of the morning and hearing children playing and laughing in the hall ways and be awaken by it...

Room #407 Well that room is hot bed for ghost and paranormal activities. And you'll see an older man that seems to be a little bit angry and he will appear in the night to while you are sleeping and then lean towards your face and when you try to listen to him you cannot hear nothing only see his lips moving and he will pull what hair he has on his head and raise his arm's above his head and then before he leave's he will lean towards your face and then holler in it and it sends cold chill's up and down your spine and here's what he looks like he is tall slender and going bald on top of his head and he is like in coveralls and it's a mystery why he still here and I am working the case to see if I can find more information on him and he has said his name was Franky... Then there's another one that's in the room to a young man he is kinda short and has light brown hair and has hazel green eye's and he said his name was Dustin and he likes to touch people and animals that stay at the hotel to scare them and make them jump and also he seems to be around age of 20-24 year's old and he comes in the room makes the floor squeak and then open the bathroom door he makes tapping sound's on the walls and the door's and he likes to move thing's so it will take you forever to find them and you think you are going crazy because you know where you put it before bed and in the morning it's gone and he seems like he is a kind soul not causing no harm.. Then the little girl with longish dirty blonde hair comes in from the hall ways and enters the rooms wanting to make her self known and then she plays along her way and she's trying to pick something up off the floor and then she finally gets and then vanishes...

But if anyone has had experiences at the Value Place in Shelby NC I would like to hear your story as well...

Jackson Building In Asheville North Carolina

Jackson Building in Asheville North Carolina.

You can see a face in one the upper top windows, thought to be face of a man who committed suicide after losing everything during the great depression. And they say there's a bullseye on the side walk marking the exact spot he fell to his death.

If you seen him or had any encounters with him and will you share them thanks..

Home To Channel 13 WLOS News-Asheville,NC

It is said to be haunted by a servant when the building was home to Dr.Samuel Westray Battle. The ghost's name is Alice and is said to walk around the building and play with TV equipment. She is said to be also the Pink Lady, because The Battle mansion is next to the Grove Park Inn, and she has been seen walking over to the Inn.

This is the Grove Park Inn in Asheville North Carolina where the story is told that the pink lady that haunts News Station 13 WLOS was staying in room 545 at the inn and went on to the balcony and fell to her death and she also comfort's the ill by stroking their hand and hair of children if there's any while on a stay there at the inn and she shows herself to children more than she will adult's... But she also play's with the children while they're staying there and she's a soul that seems not to hurt anyone else so please let us know if you have a counter with the Pink Lady... She's also the cause of why the electronic devices will cut off and on by themselves like the TV and air conditioner and etc. 

The Pink Lady well show herself in a mist that is pink but no fear because she won't hurt you...

Helen's Bridge In Asheville, NC

Asheville North Carolina

Helen's Bridge

Recently torn down and rebuilt- When the Zalandia Castle caught fire; a woman named Helen lost her only child. A daughter. Helen was so crushed by the loss she hung herself from the bridge right down the road from the castle. On Halloween night go to the bridge and try to conjure  Helen. If she is successfully called, your car will mess up in some way that you can't get down the mountain.

If you had any experiences at this place please share them.

The Devil's Tramping Ground Of Chatham County,NC

Ten miles east of Siler City in Chatham County North Carolina is the devil's tramping ground and one of the most unusual paranormal spot's in North Carolina. There is a 40 foot wide path that forms a ring 40 foot around and it is said that it was the devil himself who created this phenomenon. The center of the circle and the area outside the circle are lush with grass and plant life but nothing grows inside the path. If you place a large stone or other heavy object ont the path it will be moved out of the way by the next morning. Nothing is allowed to lay on the path and it is a historical fact that the circle or so called Devil's Tramping Ground has been here since 1800 or before.

(The Devil's Tramping Ground, A True N.C. Paranormal Mystery)

Hunter's who have had rabbit hounds in the area say that dog's refuse to enter or cross the area of the Devil's Tramping Ground. Men on horseback say that horses react the same way. They refuse to cross or go in the area of the Devil's Tramping Ground.

Over the year's paranormal investigator's have been to the area of the Devil's Tramping Ground many time's but have never been able to prove what it is or is not. It is a known historical fact that vegetation will not grow there. Scientists from the US Geological Survey team have been to the area to find out why nothing will grow there but they couldn't find any reason for the absence of vegetation in the area of the Devil's Tramping Ground. Maybe the devil himself does come and walk here every night walking around and around to try come up with what we don't know. What we do know is that the Devil's Tramping Ground is there today the same as it was in 1800 near Bennett,North Carolina.

Stories about the Devil's Tramping Ground are well known in the area and it's said you can carry and place a large rock in the center of the path there and in the morning it will be moved over out of the way. The area is also said to frighten some people and they refuse to go anywhere near the area.

Have you ever been to the Devil's Tramping Ground. Have you ever heard about it. Why not post a comment below now.
Another story for the Devil's Tramping Ground..

Coats Park- At the park in Coats. There is this trail. If you walk down this trail, there is some kind of being that chases you. And if you camp there, there is a place that if you put something there such as a tent, and try to sleep  your tent will be moved out of the way by the next morning. It's called "The Devil's Tramping Ground"..

Cleveland Memorial Hospital, Shelby,NC

The stories of a hospital in Cleveland County North Carolina....

It would really be a story if the Shelby,NC Hospital were not haunted. The hospital has been there for just over 75 year's now and it's fact that many people have died there over the year's and anywhere that you have death associated with tragedy you will have ghosts and paranormal activity. The Shelby, NC hospital was first started in 1910 by Dr. T.G. Hamrick and there was new 43 bed hospital opened there in 1923. And the hospital has been growing ever since. And many of the ghost stories associated with the hospital date way back in time but some date to more modern time's. The Hospital's official policy is that the hospital is not haunted and there are no such thing's as ghost's. However some of the staff at the hospital talked to us off the record this week and filled us in on some spooky thing's going on at the hospital.

(Little Girl Ghost)

The little girl ghost is often seen in what is now the newly remodeled Emergency Room of the hospital. She is a small little thing with blond hair and pajamas walking around in different treatment room's in the Emergency Room area of the hospital and also in the halls leading from the Emergency Room area of the hospital off into other areas of the hospital. She appears to be 4-5 year's of age.

She doesn't ever speak according to report's. She is just seen walking around and over the year's she has been reported often both by patients and the hospital and the staff at the hospital. She is seen wearing yellow pajama bottoms and a pink and white pajama top. She doesn't appear to have any injury and when she is approached she vanishes. No one seems to know who she was in life or how she died. But many people over the year's have seen her and still see's her today.

(The Old Man In The X Ray Department) 

There is the ghost of an old man 75-80 who has been appearing in the X Ray Department of the Hospital for a number of year's. And again both patients and hospital staff have seen him. He often walks into a room where the patient ask who he is often the staff person doing the x ray can't see the old man. But it also happens the other way around. The person working in the X Ray room will see the old man walk into the room and go try to put him out of the room only have him vanish. It has really made for interesting stories over the year's.

(Ghost In The Old Grover Building) 

Where there is bad weather like a snow the hospital has staff to stay in the part of the hospital called the Old Grover Building. And the old Grover Building appears to be a hot bed of paranormal activity. People appear laying on stretchers, people walk around in hospital gowns and vanish when some one goes to try to help them. And screams and cries for mercy are heard. There is the ghost of a man with no leg's in a wheelchair who has set and talked to people and then as you are talking he will just suddenly vanish. Can you imagine that happening to you at 3:00 am. Some people who have tried to sleep in the old Grover Building claim to feel as if something is setting on them while they try to sleep and they also see bright red eye's starring out of the darkness at them. What is it? No one seems to know.

(Ghost Cat)

There is also supposed to be the ghost of a large black and white cat in the old Grover Building. People will see the cat and follow it into a room only to not be able to see or find the cat when they go into the room to look for it. Then as they are going into another part of the building they will see the cat ahead of them again. No one knows how the cat came to haunt the hospital but many people have reported seeing if over the year's even still today.

Does anyone else have stories of Cleveland Memorial Hospital, Shelby, NC if so share them.